Something Extra Special For Your Patio
During These Times
We are facing unprecedented times in our own lives and as businesses. Having a comfortable patio setting has become essential for everyone to enjoy their business and lifestyle. Find out how our technology is helping businesses stay open longer with lower operating costs.

Our most popular and versatile model.

Great for commercial patio settings.

A taller version of our classic table top heater.

Unique Features
What sets our heaters apart from the competition
Safe To Touch
Each of our heaters are safe to touch, therefore we see Mensa Heating’s products as the safest outdoor heaters in the world.
With unique patented technology, Mensa Heating provides products with a safe to touch function. This allows you to touch the heater at all times. Thanks to Danish engineering, we have invented this unique function, which has been carried out though to all our models.

Motion Activated
Built-in motion sensors on certain models only turn on when there is someone at the table. Not only does this reduce energy waste, it lets your staff worry about the important things like keeping your customers happy.

Extend The Season With Smarter Heaters
We are facing unprecedented times in our own lives and as businesses. Having a comfortable patio setting has become essential for everyone to enjoy their business and lifestyle. Find out how our technology is helping businesses stay open longer with lower operating costs.